Date of admission: 10-08-2021 63 year old male presented to the casualty with history of one episode of involuntary movements of both upper and lower limbs around 11:00 pm, lasting for 5-10 min associated with ictal cry, uprolling of eyeballs and deviation of mouth with ?cheek bite followed by post ictal confusion lasting for 10-15 min. No H/o involuntary micturition or defecation. He was taken to a local hospital, where he was administered epitoun and was referred to KIMS (around 1am) After presentation there was another episode of involuntary movements of both upper and lower limbs, GTCS type with deviation of mouth, lasting for 1-2 mins followed by post ictal confusion for 2-3 min. He is a known case of seizures since 30 years and on medication carbamazepine 200mg OD & 400mg HS. But he didn't take medication since 2 days. H/o seizures yearly once or twice for 10 years and was seizure free for the past 10 years. Known case of type 2 DM since 6 months and on GLIMI 1mg, METFOR