A 28 year old male came with chief complaints of sudden fall followed by weakness of both the lower limbs (paraplegia) and loss of hand grip 10 days back, associated with bowel and bladder incontinence.

History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back, following which he developed productive cough, low grade fever for which he underwent sputum studies and tested positive for AFB bacilli and started ATT - HRZE regimen, 2 tab according to weight/PO/OD.

He developed generalized weakness and myalgia 15 days back.

10 days back, patient got up from bed and went to open the door and suddenly fell down, with no loss of consciousness and no froathing. Following which his brother got him up and since then Patient developed bowel and bladder incontinence.
No sensory impairment.

Past history:
He is a known case of TB since 1month and on ATT - HRZE

Personal history:
Diet - mixed
Appetite - normal
Sleep - Adequate
Bowel and bladder incontinence + since 1 week
No allergies 
No addictions

Family history:
His father is a known case of TB and used ATT for 2 years

General examination:
Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative and oriented to time, place and person

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy and edema.

Temperature - afebrile
PR - 80 BPM
RR - 16 cpm
BP - 100/70 mm Hg

Systemic examination:
Speech - normal
No signs of meningeal irritation
                  Right.        Left
Tone. UL.  N.              N
           LL  increased. Increased
Power UL.  4/5.         4/5
             LL.  1/5.          1/5
Cranial.nerves.  : Intact
Sensory system : normal
            Right.         Left
Biceps. 3+.             3+
Triceps. 3+.            3+
Supinator. 2+.         2+
Knee.          3+.         3+
Ankle.        3+.          3+

Plantar: extensor

S1, S2 heard
No thrills
No Murmurs

Respiratory system:
Trachea - central
NVBS heard
No added 

Per abdomen:
Soft, non tender
Bowel sounds - heard
Hernial orifices - normal
No palpable masses

Provisional diagnosis:
Cervical myelopathy?
Potts spine?


Treatment given:
1. Inj. Optineuron 1Amp in 100ml NS  IV/OD
2. Inj. Thiamine 200mg in 100ml NS IV/TID
3. ATT - according to body weight 2 tab PO/OD
4. Bp/ PR/ Spo2/ Temp charting

FINAL DIAGNOSIS  Quadreparesis secondary to infectious spondylitis of C4, C5, C6, C7 and D1 with Epidural abscess at C5 - C6 level.

He had surgical drainage of abcess at Osmania and getting discharged tomorrow

Outcome of intervention : 
Patient regained control over bowel and bladder, 
Improvement in power and tone..( as he is walking now) 
Adviced to continue ATT.       


Discharge summary:

Disharge Date: 24 - 06 - 21

Treating faculty:
Dr. Rakesh Biswas (HOD)
Dr. Arjun (Asst Prof)
Dr. Divya (PGY2)
Dr. Usha (PGY2)
Dr. Sai Charan (PGY1)
Dr. Pallavi (Intern)
Dr. Kusuma (Intern)
Dr. Sameera (Intern)
Dr. Siddharth (Intern)
Dr. CVS Siddharth (Intern)

Quadreparesis secondary to infectious spondylitis of C4, C5, C6, C7 and D1 with Epidural abscess at C5 - C6 level.

Chief complaints:
A 28 year old male came with chief complaints of sudden fall followed by weakness of both the lower limbs (paraplegia) 10 days back, associated with bowel and bladder incontinence.

History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back, following which he developed productive cough, low grade fever for which he underwent sputum studies and tested positive for AFB bacilli and started ATT - HRZE regimen, 2 tab according to weight/PO/OD.

He developed generalized weakness and myalgia 15 days back.

10 days back, patient got up from bed and went to open the door and suddenly fell down, with no loss of consciousness and no froathing. Following which his brother got him up and since then Patient developed bowel and bladder incontinence.
No sensory impairment.

Past history:
He is a known case of TB since 1month and on ATT - HRZE

Personal history:
Diet - mixed
Appetite - normal
Sleep - Adequate
Bowel and bladder incontinence + since 1 week
No allergies 
No addictions

Family history:
His father is a known case of TB and used ATT for 2 years

General examination:
Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative and oriented to time, place and person

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy and edema.

Temperature - afebrile
PR - 80 BPM
RR - 16 cpm
BP - 100/70 mm Hg

Systemic examination:
Speech - normal
No signs of meningeal irritation
                  Right. Left
Tone. UL. N. N
           LL increased. Increased
Power UL. 4/5. 4/5
             LL. 1/5. 1/5
Cranial.nerves. : Intact
Sensory system : normal
            Right. Left
Biceps. 3+. 3+
Triceps. 3+. 3+
Supinator. 2+. 2+
Knee. 3+. 3+
Ankle. 3+. 3+

Plantar: extensor

S1, S2 heard
No thrills
No Murmurs

Respiratory system:
Trachea - central
NVBS heard
No added 

Treatment given:
Day 1:
1. Inj. Optineuron 1Amp in 100ml NS IV/OD
2. Inj. Thiamine 200mg in 100ml NS IV/TID
3. ATT - according to body weight 2 tab PO/OD
4. Bp/ PR/ Spo2/ Temp charting

Day 2&3:
Same treatment followed.

Day 4:
Inj. Monocef added.

Advice at Discharge:
Referred to Higher center for neurosurgical decompression as MRI showed
1. Infectious spondylitis of C4, C5, C6, C7 and D1 vertebral bodies with significant erosion at C5 - C6 level and the intervening disc space.
2. Epidural abscess at C5 - C6 level measuring 58 x 4 x 18 mm causing cord compression and posterior displacement of the cord.
3. T2/STIR mild cord hyperintensity - suggestive of edema.
4. Prevertebral collection (max AP dimension - 10 mm) extending from C2 to D3 level suggestive of anterior ligamentous spread.


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